Armenia casino

armenia casino

German Captain Moltke, who was in Turkey in 1830s, wrote that although the Greeks preserved their own characteristics more, the Armenians took more things from the customs and language of the Turks. He called the Armenians “Christian Turks” because of the similarities between the two communities. For example, the Armenian women were walking on the streets wearing covered clothing that left only the top of their noses and armenia casino eyes visible. The basis of the meals they cooked in the Turkish style was mutton and rice pilov, and one of two meals was always a dessert (Moltke, s. 35-40). It is possible to list some of the common themes between the folk cultures of the Turkish and Armenian cultures as follows: sticking stones on the graves of martyrs or exalted people, kissing the walls and thresholds of sacred places, tying fabrics as votive offerings, decorating sacrificial animals, designing of top windows in village hose architecture, using churns to extract fat from milk, using margin pictures in book decoration art, wearing blue beads against the evil eye, playing flokloric games around nawroz fires, making tandoori bread, customs and rituals such as the use of crochet needle, spindle, scissors, weaver’s shuttle and comb in carpet and kilim weaving, women covering their mouths with a veil and images such as wheel of fortune, tree of life, and battering ram (Kalafat, 2004: 77-79). Many details in the two communities that were similar to each other in terms of daily life such as the tools and methods used in agricultural activities, bread types such as thin bread, phyllo dough and large thin float bread, cheese and oil production techniques, other food cultures and the way they dressed were common. Bir gemi inşa armenia edip yeryüzündeki bütün canlıları bu gemiye almasıyla bilinir.

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One can also observe that Turkish words are still used quite a lot in proper names. Male names such as Abbas, Ata, Aydın, Dadaş, Gurban, Jahangir, Khudaverdi, and Sarukhan were taken from significant Turkish and Islamic ancestors and they reflect concepts such as heroism and bravery. Many women’s names such as Azizgyul, Gyulizar, Huri, Malaksima, Nazik, Peri, Sevil, Zubeyda, and many others indicate flower names, which are associated with the Turkish grace and concepts such as seriousness, politeness, and valuableness. These names, which have a rich background in terms of history and culture, explain the place of their ancient neighbors in the minds of the Armenians (Tavukçu, 2013: 153). The changes in the provinces, where Turkish was spoken a bit differently, are also seen in the languages of both communities. Mıntzuri indicates that the Turks, Kurds and Armenians in the Erzincan region pronounce all the words that start with “k” as “ğ.” He gives the examples of names of places such as Ğuruçay, Ğarataş, Ağğaya, and Ğarakaya and words such as ğardaş, ğına gecesi, and ğocağarı , which are used in daily life (Mıntzuri, 1996: 33-36). The impact of Turkish is also relected in Armenian literature. The Armenians, who spoke Turkish, which was the language of the dominant element, in their daily life, also published in this language. Nine casino.

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